You will find many such posts on the Internet in which you must have been taught to make the Url Shortener Website. But the Url Shortener Website may have been created by PHP or WordPress. We will show you by making Url Shortener Website Blogger free. Url Shortener Website Kaise Banaye?
There are many advantages of creating a Url Shortener Website, you can show ads of Google AdSense or any alternative advertisement in URL shortener website.
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What is Url Shortener Website?
Url Shortener Website is a website where you can shorten your links and also earn money from them. It is not very difficult to make a Url Shortener Website, you can make it yourself in 10 minutes.
Url Shortener Website is being made since 2014, people are earning millions of rupees by making such Url Shortener Website. The URL shortener website is first used by the Zagl website.
In simple language, if you shorten a large URL and use it somewhere and earn some money from that small link, this is called Url Shortener. Just as Url Shortener is in its name, it also means that Url means to link and Shortener means shortening the link to the largest.
Now one thing must have come in your mind that how to create an Url Shortener Website after all, then let us know in detail how you can make your own Url Shortener Website blogger for free.
How Does Url Shortener Website Work?
As I have told you above what Url Shortener means, now I will tell you that kaisey Url Shortener Website is Kam Karta. The URL Shortener website has a system that works on PHP and HTML systems.
When you shorten any link by going to the Url Shortener Website, it does its work in PHP and HTML System Backend and converts that large Url into a small link.
In HTML Coding in Url Shortener Website, if you write a unique article, whenever someone will do Link Short then he will also see that article there.
Url Shortener Website Se Paisay Kaiseay Kamaye?
You can earn millions of rupees by making Url Shortener Website. Most of the people place AdSense Ads in Url Shortener Website. But at times Adsense also makes your Adsense Account disabled, in such a way you can place banner ads of Popup Ads or any other Advertisement Network.
By applying Popup Ads, your users may face many problems. In such a situation, it would be appropriate that you advertise banner ads or Adsense Alternative. So that your users do not have to face more problems and you can also earn well.
Url Shortener Website Kaise Banaye on Blogger?
If you are thinking that you have to make your own Url Shortener Website, then you can make it yourself very easily. Url Shortener Website is mostly made on PHP but today we will show you step-by-step in Url Shortener Website Blogger par Free.
★ First, you go to and create your own blog there. Remember that you keep the title of the blog the same that you have to name your Url Shortener Website.
★ You write a blog address of a unique Url Shortener Website. If you are creating a small Url Shortener website, then you should write its name in short words.
★ Go to Themes option in the dashboard in and click on Edit HTML there.
★ We have given you the link to the template, from there you download the template and copy that code. This is your HTML Template of the Url Shortener Website.
★ You write a blog address of a unique Url Shortener Website. If you are creating a small Url Shortener website, then you should write its name in short words.
★ Go to Themes option in the dashboard in and click on Edit HTML there.
★ We have given you the link to the template, from there you download the template and copy that code. This is your HTML Template of the Url Shortener Website.
★ Now you have to delete the entire code given by clicking on Dashboard> Themes> Edit HTML by pressing CTRL + A. And we have given you the Template Code of Url Shortener Website, paste it there and save it.
★ You have installed HTML Template on Url Shortener Website, but the website is not completely ready there yet. Now you have to write a blog post so that your Url Shortener Website will get a good look.
★ We are giving you two codes below, first of that, copy the code and open your blog post in HTML mode. And at the top, there will be HTML Code Start, on top of that you have to paste this first code.
Now you have to copy the second code and open the blog post in Edit HTML mode and paste it at the end at the bottom.
You can place Ads of AdSense or any Adsense Alternative Ad Network on your blog post. You will have to paste in the HTML post of the blog post below the advertisement get a link.
You can place the advertisement at the beginning of the blog, at the bottom of the blog and at the end of the blog.
Now your Url Shortener Website has become completely on the blogger for free. You must open your website and see it once. If you want to change the color of the theme, you can do it with HTML coding.
Benefits of Url Shortener Website
If you have been using Url Shortener Website for a long time, then you must have learned that the benefits of Url Shortener are many, you will earn money from it as well as the authority of your domain will also increase due to more traffic.
- Working on Url Shortener Website is easy and not as difficult as a blogger.
- Here you do not need to write a regular article like Blogging.
- Increase of domain authority due to more traffic.
- Earn money without much effort in a short period of time.
Disadvantages of Url Shortener Website
Just like anything has its benefits as well as its disadvantages, similarly, Url Shortener Website has its advantages but also has its disadvantages. So let's know the disadvantages of the Url Shortener Website.
- Not much traffic will come.
- No SEO of Url Shortener Website.
- AdSense Disable due to High Traffic.
- Domain's spam score increases.
Now your Url Shortener Website has become completely free. We have shown you on the Url Shortener Website blogger that is why you will not incur any expenses.
My Opinion
Whenever you work on the URL shortener website, you should remember how many clicks of the day come on the advertisement and how many may not be more people willfully click on the Url Shortener website.
If this happens, Adsense or Advertisement account can be disabled, then keep an eye on this thing and keep checking your AdSense again and again.
I hope you liked this article of our Link Shortner website Kaisey banaye Blogger. To read more such articles, keep visiting our website PakTipsZone and share this article with your friends, thank you.
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