How to SEO Friendly Image Optimize

How to SEO Friendly Image Optimize. It is very important to keep Image Optimization in mind to rank any blog Google or any search result. Because the Image Optimization Technique is a way that any blog can access Zero from the top.

How to SEO Friendly Image Optimize

I will tell you about SEO Friendly Image Optimization Technique and Image Compression Technique here. With the help of which you can optimize the image of your blog post.

What is Image Optimization

Image Optimization means correcting whatever image you are using in your blog-post according to the search engine, such as its size, alt tags, Format, Caption, Copyright, Reason, etc.

How To SEO Friendly Image Optimize?

  • To optimize SEO Friendly Image a lot of Technique has to be used, only then do you know that there is an Image SEO Friendly. for example.
  • Size: The first step of image optimization is to correct the size of the image, because if the size of the image is more, then it has an effect on the entire website. Therefore, when someone uses an image in a post, then compress it first so that its size is reduced.
  • Cesium Image Compressor is a free and very best Image Compressor Software. Without the help of this software, image compression can be done without losing image quality.
  • Alt tag: Whenever you use an image in a blog post, make sure to put Alt Tag in it because Google Bot knows about the image because of the Alt Tag and index it on Google Search Engine from Alt Tag.
Copyright: Never download and use a direct image from another's blog or website. Try to make the image yourself with the help of Photoshop and PowerPoint or download the free image.
There are many websites for free images from where you can download related images from Blogging, Phone, Laptop, Health, or any topic.

How to SEO Friendly Image Optimize  You must have found the answer to this question. I have told about some basic Image Optimization Technique here. While using the image on blog-post, at least attention should be given to Alt Tag, Size, and Copyright Image. If you have any question, do comment

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