you've been blocked Facebook how to unblock

you've been blocked Facebook how to unblock

 There will hardly be any internet users who will not know about Facebook and you will also know about it. This is a very popular social network and through this, you can chat with your friends, Relative, and other peoples. Facebook has many policies, which many new Facebook users are not aware of and they violate Facebook policies. Due to which his Facebook Account gets blocked. If your Facebook account has also been blocked, then this post can be useful for you. We are going to tell in this post how to unblock Blocked Facebook ID. 

 Nowadays it is very important for all online users to have a Facebook account. Because in recent times it has become an important source of communication in the whole world. You can easily chat with your friends, relatives, and other peoples by this and now you can send or receive the necessary documents through it. Even after this, there are many social networks, but it is considered to be the best and there are lots of futures in it.

Facebook team is blocking many accounts these days, due to which people are very upset.  Actually, is doing all this because, at present, the fake account is more on Facebook than all other social networks. Many people are promoting their business by creating their own fake account in it and Indian people are being told the biggest hand behind creating a fake account. While there are not many fake accounts in other social networks. That is why the Facebook team also closes many real accounts in the process of closing the fake accounts.

 Another reason for this is that Facebook allows us to share photos, statuses, links, videos, and other documents with our friends. But they all also have a limit and many people cross this limit. By which his account is disabled. Many times we share spam links on Facebook and Facebook team does not like spamming. When someone shares spam or unknown links in his account more than the limit, then it is against his policy. By which his Facebook account is blocked. 

The way we mentioned above that Facebook mostly closes the fake accounts and if accidentally if your real Facebook account gets closed then there is a way for it too. With which you can get your Facebook account active again. We are going to tell you about this method in this post. We would like to give you important information that you will need government proof to activate a blocked Facebook account. There should also be government proof in the name of the person whose name will be Facebook account. We are telling you below. You can use any of these proofs. 

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If you are 18+ then any of these will be proof.

  • Green Card, Residence Permit, or Immigration Papers
  • Birth Certificate
  • Voter ID Card
  • Aadhar Card
  • PAN Card
  • Personal or Vehicle Insurance Card
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Official Name Change Paperwork

If your age is less than 18 years then any of these Govt. Can use proof

  • Credit card
  • Aadhar Card
  • Utility bill
  • School or work ID
  • Library card
  • Check
  • Bus card
You can use any of the proofs mentioned above to re-enable your blocked Facebook account. To your Govt. The proof is to save it in the screenshot .jpg file. You have to upload it. So let us tell you the process of re-activating the Facebook ID below.

How to Unblock when Facebook Account is Blocked.

Recovering a blocked Facebook account is very simple. Remember that once your account is recovered, do not make the mistake of valuing Facebook policies next time. Below we are telling you some steps so that you can send a request to the Facebook team to re-activate the account.

Step 1: First of all, go to the Disabled Account Appeal's site. It will have some fields which have to be filled. Enter the same number or email here as the phone number or email ID given in your blocked account. Enter the full name of your Facebook profile. Here you have a Govt. ID (eg: Aadhar Card, PAN Card, etc.) has to be uploaded in a jpg file. Here you have to fill this information in English, why do you have to activate the account, and next time you will not evaluate the Facebook policy. Now you have to click on the Send button.

Reactivate Facebook account form

Now after your request has been sent, the Facebook team will send you a mail in your email address within 24 hours. In it, a code or link will be sent to recover the account. With which you can activate your Disabled Facebook account again. Remember one thing that if you do not get the mail even after 24 hours, then wait 1 week and if you do not come then send the Activation request again. 

tags: blocked Facebook unblock

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